Sunday, February 9, 2025 skip to main content

Aruba and Walt

WaltAruba a beautiful island in the Caribbean - that's what one man thought when he booked his first ticket back in 1986. His name is Walter McCann known by family and friends as Walt. At 73 he is probably the oldest man on the island who is still windsurfing and kite surfing, and he is pretty good at it!

It all began in the 70's when Walt heard from friends that there was a nice little island in the Caribbean called Aruba, a good surfing site and that he should check it out someday. But at that time he was too busy serving in the U.S. Air Force. In 1986 he visited Aruba for the first time for two weeks, and from that point on has visited regularly ever since. Every time he stays a little bit longer and nowadays every year for three months.

Walt is a die-hard windsurfer, but since 2005 kite surfing is also one of his activities here on Aruba. He returns time and time again to Fisherman's Huts for windsurfing and kiting. "Fisherman's huts is by far the best place to surf " he says, "easy launching, good offshore wind, easy recovery and nice people at Aruba Active Vacations. Those are the best ingredients for a very relaxing vacation."

WaltSo what is a typical day in Aruba for Walt?. He gets up at 7:00 AM, has breakfast, goes to AAV start getting his kite equipment ready. By 9:00 AM he is in the water kiting after which he hangs out with the other kiters and windsurfers. By 11:00 AM he goes back to his comfortable beach apartment at Sunset Beach Studios to have lunch with his wife and family. By noon Walt is back for about two hours of windsurfing, after that he goes home to spend some time with his wife and family. If the wind is good he goes out kiting again until around 6:00 PM when he goes back home for a beer and some cheese. Then its off to dinner at one of Aruba's great restaurants somewhere. By 10:00 PM it's time to turn in - tomorrow is another day on this beautiful island!


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