Win great prizes while helping to make the new Aruban Donkey Sanctuary a reality!

Win great prizes while helping to make the new Aruban Donkey Sanctuary a reality!

Courtesy of: The Morning News

The realization of the much-needed new donkey sanctuary at Bringamosa is around the corner. More than 140 donkeys will be overjoyed with their spacious new playground and sparkling buildings. At this time the donkeys are spread out across several locations on the island; some even dwelling in a private garden. The best-known donkey location is Santa Lucia, where throngs of visitors and locals visit the donkeys. Through the years, Santa Lucia has become one of Aruba’s main tourist attractions, but it has also become too cramped for so many animals. A new, larger donkey sanctuary is needed, but it is an expensive undertaking. Fundraisings and sponsoring are of the essence.

Fortunately quite a lot of companies are helping out; such as Setar, the national telecommunications company on the island, by launching a 9 week-long fundraising SMS event. Everyone who sends a SMS to a certain number will donate AWG. 3,– to the Aruban Donkey Sanctuary. Every week there are terrific prizes to be won; prizes that have been generously supplied by local firms.

Some of these prizes are stunning, like an all-inclusive weekend stay at a hotel, airline tickets and much more. Newspaper ads will announce the winners of these prizes. A big-hearted team of professionals has made a commercial with comedian Tica Basha’bao to attract more attention. The ad will be regularly shown on local tv station TeleAruba, one of Aruba’s major television stations.

On Thursday, August 1st,  the fundraising event will start – the final date for participating and winning prizes will be on Animal Day, October 4th. So everyone has enough time to send their SMS-es and win and win while supporting the Aruban Donkey Sanctuary project.