Look for the new Turtle information signs at Aruba's Eagle Beach

Look for the new Turtle information signs at Aruba’s Eagle Beach

Courtesy of: The Morning News

Along the Boulevard at Eagle Beach, in front of Paradise Beach Villa’s you can find a big sign called “Driekiel-o-meter” with information about the Leatherback Sea Turtle (locally called Driekiel).  Nests of this species of sea turtle (the biggest sea turtle of the world!) can be found on Aruba’s sandy beaches from March till September. A second meter-reading sign is placed at the other end of Eagle Beach, close to Costa Linda Beach Resort.

The signs show the amount of nests laid by the Leatherback Sea Turtle on the stretch of beach from Amsterdam Manor Resort till Tamarijn Beach Resort during the nesting season of 2012. The number of nests laid in 2013 has been updated by Turtugaruba volunteers as well.

A third panel gives information about the life cycle of the Leatherback ,the complete nesting process and the voluntary work of the Turtugaruba Foundation. And last but not least:  beware, care and read how you can do your share to help protect these endangered animals!

This Driekiel-o-meter project has been realized by Turtugaruba (information, pictures and data), Prographics (design), Zen Design (printing and construction) and TPEF (funding).
Turtugaruba wants to acknowledge the Minister of Tourism, Transportation and Labour and the Board of the Tourism Product Enhancement Fund for their support and funding.