
FREE water now available to all Farmers

Courtesy of the Morning News

Ministers Oduber and Sevinger were present at RWZI in Parkietenbos when the UV Purification System for water for farmers arrived.

This new system will provide totally free water to all our local farmers!

This is a government initiative together with Santa Rosa, which began back in 2010, when the decision was made to invest in a purification system at the RWZI Plant at Parkietenbos. Our farmers have been already using of this water, but at a given moment the supply was not enough for the growing need.

One of the most important elements for a farmer is water. Water happens to be rather expensive for agriculture on Aruba. The fact that our farmers plant almost all year round, and not only in the rainy season, the extra water is a necessity for them. The installation of the new UV system will issue a new history for Aruba, making it possible for our farmers to plant the whole year round.

This is an investment of Santa Rosa costing somewhat more than half a million Florins; producing clean water available to farmers the entire year.

The government also reported that in the coming weeks they will be erecting windmills at different spots around the island. This will enable them to open 5 water wells; another investment of 500 thousand Florins.

In this way the government is helping our local farmers and at the same time providing incentives for the practice of more agriculture on the island.