Aruba Renaissance Resort welcomed local and international chefs for another RLife event

Aruba Renaissance management was thrilled to present an entire weekend of remarkable events. Beginning with a fashion show on Friday by local designer Bergeny Del Mar as part of the Aruba in Style Fashion Week. On Saturday with a food festival where International chefs demonstrated their culinary artistry at the Renaissance Marketplace which ended with a free tasting of authentic local dishes with Antonio “Joselito” Albertz, a native son, and from Orlando, Florida celebrity cake baker Mercedes Strachwsky. It was a thrill for Renaissance guests to meet and sample the tasty creations of the two celebrity chefs.

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Royal Visit to Aruba ended with a successful Jump-up event

Thousands of elementary school students awaited the arrival of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima at the Guillermo Trinidad Stadium. One of the themes during the Royal visit was: ‘seen and being seen’ and this translated into a morning of Sports & Games, all with the goal to show students the pleasure of Sports.

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