Monday, September 16, 2024 skip to main content

What are the requirements for a protestant wedding?

Please note that non-Protestants can be married by the Protestant Church. The prospective bride and groom should marry before civil authorities in their country. In the U.S., that would be a justice of the peace or a municipal judge; in Japan, that would be a prefect; in Europe, that would be the official connected with the local town hall administration in charge of weddings. They should bring along their wedding certificate or a similar official document verifying that they have been married according the the law of their country.

In order to make the necessary preparations for the wedding ceremony before coming to Aruba, contact:

Pastor Anthony van der Doel PhD,
Bilderdijkstraat 7, Aruba
Tel: (297) 5821435 (church), or (297) 5821961 (home)

The ceremony can be conducted in one of the church buildings, at the host hotel, on the beach, or anywhere the couple prefers. The ceremony fee is U.S. $200, which includes a wedding certificate. Non-Protestants can be married by the Protestant Church.

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