Tuesday, February 18, 2025 skip to main content

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any inoculation requirements for traveling to Aruba?

The Ministry of Health of Aruba established that, as of March 1, 2018, the requirement for the Yellow Fever Vaccine proven by an International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP) is in force for all passengers entering the island from endemic areas. The vaccine is mandatory for all passengers arriving from Central American, Latin American and African (high risk) countries. Please view a list of the specific countries and more detailed information here: https://www.airportaruba.com/yellow-fever. Currently there are no vaccination, inoculation or immunization requirements for any other countries. However, it is recommended you and your children are up to date on all routine immunizations according to schedules approved by the However, it is recommended you and your children are up to date on all routine immunizations according to schedules approved by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP).

Do I need a passport to travel to Aruba?

In most cases passports are required. More information is available on our Aruba entry requirements and visas page.

What is the amount of departure tax in Aruba?

All visitors incur a passenger facility charge (departure tax). It is important to note that these fees are already included in the price of each traveler's airline ticket and are not charged at the Aruba airport. For US bound passengers departure tax is US $36.75 and for international bound passengers the PFC is US $33.50 for international flights. If in Aruba on transit for less than 24 hours, these charges are waived. Visitors can leave the airport and return freely within those hours. Children under 2 years of age do not pay the Aruba Departure Tax.

Can a person with a felony record be turned away from entering Aruba by immigration?

As per the Immigration law as long as a crime is not committed on Aruba, someone with record is free to enter.

Do I need a visa to travel to Aruba?

This depends on your country of citizenship. More information is available on our Aruba entry requirements and visas page.

I would like to check on how long I can stay in Aruba per year?

As a tourist one can stay 180 days per calendar year.

Is it possible to enter Aruba holding a Schengen Visa?

You can only use the Schengen Visa if you reside in Europe. If you reside outside of Europe you cannot use the Visa to enter Aruba.

For more information please call Immigration department on Aruba +297 582 7155.

Is there a travel packing list for Aruba?

A very convenient packing list compiled by a seasoned Aruba traveler can be downloaded from our Aruba packing list page.

What are the Aruba entry requirements?

More information is available on our Aruba entry requirements and visas page.

What are the Aruba travel requirements?

More information is available on our Aruba entry requirements and visas page.

What are the Aruba visa requirements?

More information is available on our Aruba entry requirements and visas page.

What are the passport requirements?

Regulations vary depending on your nationality. You can find information about what the requirements are on our Aruba entry requirements and visas page.

Children under the age of 18 not traveling with parents must have an original birth certificate or a certified copy of birth certificate AND a notarized letter of permission signed by BOTH parents or a Sole Custody or Father Unknown document.

What are the regulations for importing medicines to Aruba?

The Inspectie voor Geneesmiddelen can be contacted for information about import regulations of medicines. The Inspectie voor Geneesmiddelen need to receive a signed letter from the treating physician at the community center with the following information:

  • Information about the patient
  • List of medication
  • Contact information (address) in Aruba
  • Travel dates
  • If the methadone will be imported to Aruba
  • If the methadone needs to be provided to the patient in Aruba

Contact information Inspectie voor Geneesmiddelen:
Phone: (+297)526-2160

What is the maximum length of stay in Aruba?

The maximum length of stay for U.S. citizens traveling to Aruba is 3 months (for other countries it is 2 weeks). In order to receive an extension on the 3 months, special permission must be requested from the Minister of Tourism and Economic Affairs. Also, anyone traveling to Aruba must be in possession of a round-trip ticket or a document stating departure from Aruba on a specific date.

Which countries require a visa for Aruba?

Nationals of one of the following countries need a visa to travel to Aruba:
Afghanistan Egypt Maldives Saudi Arabia
Albania Equatorial Guinea Mali Senegal
Algeria Eritrea Marshall Islands Serbia
Angola Ethiopia Mauritania Sierra Leone
Armenia Fiji Mauritius Solomon Islands
Azerbaijan Gabon Micronesia Somalia
Bahrain Gambia Moldova (Rep. of) South Africa
Bangladesh Georgia Mongolia Sri Lanka
Belarus Ghana Montenegro Sudan
Benin Guinea Republic Morocco Swaziland
Bhutan Guinee-Bissau Mozambique Syria
Bolivia Haiti Myanmar
Bosnia-Herzegovina India Namibia Tajikistan
Botswana Indonesia Nauru Tanzania
Burkina Faso Iran Nepal Thailand
Burundi Iraq Niger Togo
Cambodia Jamaica Nigeria Tonga
Cameroon Jordan North Korea Turkmenistan
Cape Verde Islands Kazakhstan Northern Mariana Isl. Tunisia
Central Africa Rep. Kenya Oman Turkey
Chad Kiribati Pakistan Tuvalu
China (People's Rep.) Kuwait Palau Uganda
Colombia Kyrgyzstan Palestinian National Authority Ukraine
Comoros Isl. Laos Papua New Guinea United Arab Emirates
Congo (Brazzaville) Lebanon Peru Uzbekistan
Congo (Kinshasa) Lesotho Philippines Vanuatu
Cote d'Ivoire Liberia Qatar Vietnam
Cuba Libya Rwanda Yemen
Djibouti Macedonia Russian Federation Zambia
Dominican Republic Madagascar Samoa Zimbabwe
East Timor Malawi Sao Tomé and Principe
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