Photo by and property of Netflix – Fluorescing Coral

Aruba’s Chasing Coral Event: A Campaign to Save Our Coral Reefs and Inspire Action

Dear Aruba Lovers, It is no doubt that Aruba is a tourist-reliant island with many tours and attractions to choose from. However, did you know that some of the most popular and more sought-after activities include snorkeling and diving among our coral reefs? DID YOU KNOW that more than 71 million people visit a coral reef … Continue reading “Aruba’s Chasing Coral Event: A Campaign to Save Our Coral Reefs and Inspire Action”

Photo by Arikok National Park

Mangroves and Wildlife: Environmental Awareness from Aruba Pt. II

Did you know that Aruba’s diverse terrains include the intricate mangrove ecosystem? The most popular mangrove sites in Aruba would definitely be considered:  SPAANS LAGOEN & MANGEL HALTO. Over the past years there have been some concerned comments shared by both locals and visitors of our One Happy Island about the not-so-happy care when it comes … Continue reading “Mangroves and Wildlife: Environmental Awareness from Aruba Pt. II”