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Missing persons

This page provides information regarding missing persons from Aruba or about people who went missing while on vacation in Aruba or the Caribbean. Should you have any information regarding these persons please use the email contact addresses shown for each person. If you have information that you would like to appear on this page about a missing person who disappeared in Aruba or the Caribbean, please contact us.

Robyn Colson-GardnerRobyn Colson-Gardner

  • Name: Robyn Colson-Gardner
  • Last Seen: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 at 6:00 pm
  • Age: 35
  • Hair: Blonde (dyed)
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin Color: White
  • Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
  • Weight: 110 lbs
  • Distinguishing marks: Tattoos on left shoulder and arm, and one tattoo on right side of rib cage

Robyn Colson-Gardner is missing in Aruba, and we need help finding her. If you have any information that could help please call the Aruba authorities at 011-297-597-5201 or contact Andrew Colson (admin). Even if you can't help find her, please keep her in your prayers.

Confidential tip line: 407-237-2295.

Please keep Robyn and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

If you have any information please contact: Aruba authorities at 011-297-597-5201.

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p_vi.jpgJose Manuel Vicenzo Tromp

  • Name: Jose Manuel Vicenzo Tromp
  • D.O.B.: 31 January 1977
  • Height: 1.81m
  • Build: slender
  • Hair: black/shortcut
  • Eyes: brown
  • Skin color: light brown

Your kindness will be rewarded

Missing since: November 27 2007


Vicenzo left his home on November 27 2007, at 8:30 in the morning and never returned. All his belonging were left behind incl. his pick-up.

Families are begging anyone who knows of his whereabouts

If you have seen him on the date he went missing or afterward please be so kind to let us know.
If you have any information, please contact by Email

or Call +297 582 4122

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Natalee Ann HollowayNatalee Ann Holloway

Official Statement Latest News

$200,000 reward for information

  • Name: Natalee Ann Holloway
  • Race: Caucasian
  • D.O.B.: 10/21/86
  • Age: 18
  • Hair: Long blond
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Weight: 105 lbs
  • Build: Athletic
  • Distinguishing marks: Scar between her shoulder and shoulder blade; Large brown freckle that can be seen from afar on her right arm

She was last seen in Aruba on Sunday, May 29, 2005 leaving a night club with 3 young guys.

She is an 18 year old from Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.

She vanished while on a trip with other high school seniors. She had been staying at the Holiday Inn. Foul play is suspected.

If you have any information please contact: Email or call +297 587 6222. Aruba Authorities and Natalee's family are offering $1,000,000 to her safe return and $250,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to Natalee's safe return.

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Gary MakingsGary Makings

Gary Makings of 59 years of age is reported missing in Aruba on Tuesday January 29th 2002. His family is very concerned about his whereabouts. Gary went snorkeling at Boca Catalina on Tuesday morning and has not returned to his apartment since.

Gary was staying at Aruba House.

If you recognize this person please contact the police headquarter in Aruba at telephone number +297 582 4000 or Email

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Family LabouovicFamily Labouovic

Last Known Location: Northern Bahamas for a "cruise" of the islands on August 16th 2001. They have not had contact for since the first week they left stating they were heading south. They had just purchased a large boat and hired a local skipper. Family and friends are concerned. ANY information on their current or last sightings would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!!

Important: if anyone has seen him or any of the equipment described, please contact: Regina Glamovic Email

Father "Goran", mother "Nevina", and two sons "Igore" & "Evonne". Goran is muscular built, brown hair and eyes, 6'1 and slim, Slovenia accent and speaks good English. Nevina is 5'11 thin, also works out and broken English. Both boys 13 & 14 years of age, have brown hair, normal height, and speak both Slovenia and English.

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Bud LarsonWillard 'Bud' Larson

Last Known Location: June 9, 1999 Windsurf Village board shop, Aruba. Bud was wearing a t-shirt, beach shorts and no shoes. He was very much into windsurfing and had been to Aruba one time in the past.
Note: He did not have a mustache when in Aruba.

Important: should you have any information please email Curt & Helen Larson

  • Name: Willard 'Bud' Larson
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Age: 39
  • Hair: Sandy blond
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Height: 5' 11"
  • Build: Muscular (construction worker)
  • Distinguishing marks: horizontal scar on face

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Amy - Click Here for Full informationAmy Lynn Bradley *

Reward U.S. $260,000.00

Last Known Location:
Tuesday March 24, 1998 on board the cruise vessel Rhapsody of the Seas while en route from Oranjestad, Aruba to Willemstad, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. Amy disappeared during the docking process in Curacao. Suspected Location: Unknown.

Amy may have been abducted and is possibly being held in South America or the Caribbean. A reward of over US $250,000 is being offered for Amy's safe return and a reward of US $50,000 for any information that leads to the apprehension and arrest of those responsible for Amy's disappearance.

  • Name: Amy Lynn Bradley
  • White Female
  • Race: Caucasian
  • Age: 23
  • Hair: Short Brown
  • Eyes: Green
  • Height: 5' 6"
  • Weight: 115 Pounds
  • Tattoos on:Left Shoulder, Right Ankle, Navel (Belly Button), Lower Back.

Hot line: +(804) 276 - 2204

F.B.I.: +(804) 777 - 3363

Relatives Main Line: +(804) 276 - 2204

Fax: +(804) 745 - 6133

Primary E-mail
Suspected Location: South America.

Website: Wetip

Website: Tggweb.com

Website: www.amybradley.net

Should you have any information you can email team Amy

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Richard - Click Here for Full informationRichard Henriquez*

Missing from Aruba: Richard Henriquez was last seen on the island of Aruba August 24, 1996.
Suspected Location: South America.

Richard was being treated for a nervous condition at a local facility 2 days before he disappeared. He speaks four languages, English, Dutch, Spanish and Papiamento.

  • Name: Richard Henriquez
  • Race: Hispanic
  • Age: 35
  • DOB: August 03, 1963
  • Hair: Black
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Height: 160 cm (5' 4")
  • Weight: 170 lbs.

Email Richard's family.

* Information supplied by TroubleShooters International Inc.

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