Tuesday, April 23, 2024 skip to main content

Tokyo Beef Noodles

Category: Main dishes

Tokyo Beef Noodles

Not an Aruban typical dish, but a favorite at Ginger Asian-fusion restaurant situated at Tamarijn all inclusive. And gladly they would like to share their recipe. read more


  • 1/2 lb beef Tenderloin
  • 1 Onion
  • 1 Green or red bell pepper
  • 1 Carrot
  • 2 oz Shitake mushrooms
  • One package Egg noodles, pre-cooked al dente
  • Splash of Sake wine (approx 1 oz or to taste)
  • Splash of Oyster sauce (approx 1 oz or to taste)
  • 3 oz Sesame oil


Cut the beef in medium strips, sliced as for a stir fry, and pre-cook medium rare in a wok with 1 oz of sesame oil (3 to 5 minutes over med-high heat). Remove and set aside. Place the remaining 2 oz of sesame oil in the wok on med-high heat and bring to temperature. Slice the onions, bell peppers, carrot and shitake mushrooms; put these ingredients together in the wok with sesame oil and sautee them, add the diced tenderloin to the wok with the oyster sauce; then add the noodles and a splash of sake wine stir well together and serve.

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