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Cocada (Coconut candy)

Category: Desserts

Cocada (Coconut candy)

Traditionally cocada is served on broken bits of the coconut shell. read more


  • 1 lb. brown sugar
  • cup water
  • 1 lb. fresh grated coconut Juice of 1/2 lime


In a saucepan combine:

  • 1 lb. brown sugar
  • 1 cup water

Simmer gently until mixture forms a thick syrup. Have a cup of cold water ready. Drop a little of the boiling syrup into it. When the syrup can be gathered up in the fingers as a soft ball, remove the saucepan from the fire.

Stir in immediately:

  • 1 lb. fresh grated coconut
  • Juice of 1/2 lime

Turn out on a lightly buttered platter and spread to cool. Traditionally cocada is served on broken bits of the coconut shell.

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